We all love Aveda products. The natural scent. The wonderful results. And even the ease at which you can find what your unique hair needs. (The ‘Be Curly’ regiment is surely for, you guessed it, curly hair!) But some products you may have been a fan of for some time may have some alternative uses many might be unaware of!
Here’s 5 Unconventional Uses for Aveda Products.
1. Control Force Hairspray as a Stain Remover.
Have a spill on your favorite top? Spray a fair amount of Control Force hairspray directly on the stain before throwing it in the wash. The hairspray will help remove a lot of the color pigment much better than laundry detergent alone.
As a hair dresser, no clothes are safe from color stains. Accidents are bound to happen on occasion when applying hair color, especially as busy as we are here at Aquaria. This trick has helped me maintain my wardrobe countless times. And speaking of laundry…
2. Use Shampure Hand and Body Wash as Laundry Detergent.
If you can’t get enough of Aveda’s Shampure aroma, you’re in luck! We’ve recently discovered another use for the Hand and Body Wash. As a laundry detergent, offer half a cup of this product in a medium sized load of laundry and Voila! Your clothes stay fresh with the gentle, calming aroma of ylang ylang and lavender.
3. Use Black Malva Shampoo to Maintain Icy Blondes.
Of all the Color depositing shampoos and conditioners we offer at Aquaria, I’m sure many platinum blondes would never think of choosing the shampoo used most often to maintain a deep jet black hair color. This one sounds blasphemous, but hear me out.
Between the shampoos and conditioners of the color depositing line, shampoos deposit much less pigment compared to their conditioning counterparts. You need not worry about it darkening your blonde. When it washes out you’ll find your hair taking on a nice silvery/ashy hue. Combine this with the Blue Malva Conditioner and you’ll be rocking an icy blonde color, without any chance of those unwanted green tones you may run into only using the Blue Malva line.
4. Use any Aveda candle as a Hand Moisturizer.
Ok, so this one is my favorite. I inform all of my clients of this and yet many still aren’t aware of this amazing bonus. When you are burning an Aveda candle, dip your fingers into the melted wax and use it as a skin moisturizer. It feels like your own mini wax treatment for your hands!
5. Use Brilliant Spray On Shine as a Finish after applying Make-up.
Once your make up application is complete, spritz some Spray On Shine on to your foundation brush and gently sweep over your face. The Spray On Shine combined with the soft sweeping motion will help smooth out your make-up and remove any unnecessary excess. This will offer your skin a youthful glow you’d otherwise be missing out on!
So there you have it! Unconventional uses for product we here at Aquaria have stumbled upon and wanted to share with you. Do you have any ways you use an Aveda product that might seem unconventional? Let us know! Email us or visit our Facebook.